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How to Be Yourself (But Way Better): The Burger King Rebrand
Lisa Smith
Mr. Masking
Alfredo Enciso
What is Design Worth?
Blair Enns
How do you listen – to business, society, yourself and your design?
Christof Zürn
Ideas from India
Divya Thakur
In Conversation with Debbie Millman
In Conversation
Khoi Vinh
NuBody — The Future Of Digital Bodies
Galit Ariel
Design in Canada
Mooren (Mo) Bofill RGD, Diti Katona RGD
Designing for Health Panel
Show Me the Money: Designer Self-Promotion Panel
Rahul Bhogal RGD, Julian Brown RGD, Elana Rudick RGD
Design & Film
Beth Li, Mark Colera, Erin Sarofsky
Data Visualization Basics Workshop
Isabel Meirelles
Leverage User Research to Drive Product Strategy
Heidi Trost
An Unreliable Narrator
Jessica Helfand
Defying Your Reality
Jennifer Taback RGD, Design de Plume Inc.
Risograph Printing Workshop
Jesjit Gil & Jenny Gitman
In Conversation with Jessica Hische
This Presentation is Disabled
Jessica Oddi
How to Balance Focus and Flexibility in Your Design Process
Joe Stewart
Unlocking Strategic Innovation
Kevin Bethune
What's culture got to do with it?
Keni Thacker
Playing with Light and Dark
Kate Dawkins
How Engaging With the Personal Can Lead to More Aligned Client Work
Lisa Congdon
Designing for Community
Marissa Korda
Designing for Politics
Leveraging Adobe XD to Tell a More Interactive Story
Matt Rae
10 Years of Revision Path
Maurice Cherry
Time is Form, Form is Time
Mitch Paone
Bending the Rules of Independent Print Publishing
Mohamad Abdouni
3D — The Essential Power Tool for Every Designer by Nida Fatima
Design & Music Panel
Dominic Ayre RGD
Becoming Vocal
Tre Seals
Not Another Advertising Funeral
Zeynep Orbay
Lettering Solitaire
Ying Chang
Brand Purpose — Sustainability Focus
Teri Henman
A Design Inspired Business
Niharika Hariharan Joshi
Make Your Own Tools
Laura Stein RGD
Creating Connection: the Power of Design to Bring People Together
Grace Hwang
We are a different type of printing company. We like it that way and think you will too.
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