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Jan 04, 2022

Playing with Light and Dark

Kate Dawkins
Kate Dawkins presenting with slide of brightly lit stadium at night

About this video


Kate Dawkins Studio is a moving image studio turning pixels and projection into spectacular live experiences that have entranced audiences around the world. Kate work is very much about visual storytelling, and at the intersection of design and technology. In this talk, Kate share the insights, challenges, approaches, processes and sometimes pain that goes hand in hand with this kind of work. From the interrogation of briefs, to the excitement of live… Remember that?


Kate Dawkins

Studio Dawkins (formerly Kate Dawkins Studio) is a multi-award-winning creative studio specializing in moving image – both projection and screen-based – for live experiences and entertainment. Founder and creative director, Kate has been specializing in design, motion graphics, and visual storytelling for over two decades, with vast industry experience and many other accolades to her name, including recently winning two BAFTA. Along with her talented team, they have worked for some sensational events; both cultural and brand, shows and entertainment. Including high profile projects for the giant 360˚ ‘Audience pixels' for the London 2012 Olympic Ceremonies. Nike, Jaguar Land Rover, Passchendaele, Festival of Remembrance, MTV European Music Awards, and Elton John. These innovative and varied projects have given the studio unrivalled experience in designing, directing, and delivering distinct visual content for some of the most spectacular and magical moments.
