RGD Board Nominees
The following Certified RGD Members are running for election to the RGD Board of Directors for a term to begin at the 2024 Annual meeting in April to the time of the Annual Meeting in 2026.

Julian Brown is ON THE CHASE! Julian creates ‘motion-first’ brands and content for smart clients (Sport Chek, University of Toronto, Cineplex, World Wildlife Fund). His motion design & branding project...
Julian's Goals: "On the Board, I’ll continue helping the RGD reach out to different types of designers, like myself in the niche of motion design. I’ll use my own expertise to help our design partners craft strategic messages that grab the attention of practicing designers. It’s my goal that the RGD continues to change with the times and grow our Membership while we uphold the ethics and professionalism upon which the RGD is built."

Meghan specializes in print design, illustration and motion. While she started her career on the agency side, her passion for international development, education and gender equality helped her land roles ...
Meghan's Goals: "As an in-house designer, having a network of fellow designers outside work has given me a support system and helped foster my career growth and connection to the industry. My goals for the RGD Board focus on community building, especially among freelancers, young designers and small in-house teams that may not have daily interactions with other designers, showcasing the RGD’s invaluable resources (and even creating more), and mentoring folks who are looking for peer support."

Ruth uses her creative talents to inform and delight at the City of Côte Saint-Luc (a municipality in the West End of Montreal), where she has worked for over 20 years as their in-house graphic designer wi...
Ruth's Goals: "My goals as a board member are to promote the benefits of RGD Membership and encourage active participation. My years spent volunteering on the Events and Membership Committees have given me a sense of service, belonging and community. I’ve seen first-hand how this organization supports designers and advocates for our profession. I believe strongly in the RGD’s commitment to ethics, mentorship and inclusivity in our field and I hope to help make our tent even bigger."

Michelle is Founder, Creative Designer and Information Specialist at Hopgood Creative. She helps researchers, academics and thinkers use the power of design to explain complex ideas. With over 15 years of ...
Michelle's Goals: "Creatives of all abilities need to feel that they are a part of the community. In many ways, the design community has failed designers with disabilities with regard to access and flexibility. On the RGD Board, I want to raise awareness and continue to create a space where designers of all abilities feel that they have a community. As an RGD Board Member, I will be able to provide a platform for designers with disabilities through representation to the larger design community. With inclusivity we are all better situated to help each other and provide mentorship and support for current and future RGDs."

Geneviève is a strategic design leader with hands-on product and service design expertise and 10+ years of experience empowering creative teams in fast-paced tech environments.She helps companies thrive by...
Geneviève's Goals: "I aim to broaden support for designers working in digital spaces, particularly in UX and product design. Over my decade of Membership, I have witnessed the design industry's significant evolution toward digital platforms. In alignment with the RGD's vision of designers supporting designers, I believe the association has much to offer the UX community, and can also benefit from a more robust integration of UX design within its programs and initiatives. By cultivating representation and contribution from this discipline, we can ensure that the RGD grows as a leading voice in this area of the industry and continues to provide valuable resources and support to all its Members."

I lead design at Creative Currency, leveraging my background in editorial design and branding to lead projects that help organizations tell their stories more effectively, present information more clearly,...
Kyle's goals: "My goal is to continue contributing to the strategy and growth of the RGD, ensuring the health of the organization in our ever changing industry. I hope to continue working on programming like the So(cial) Good Design Awards and the Branding Awards, finding ways to connect the RGD offerings to what designers expect and need."

Xandr is a multi-hyphenated queer trans creative director, designer, illustrator, front-end developer, travelling speaker and educator. His design firm, ARToverMATTER, is a creative studio that gives a dam...
Xandr's goals: "My goal is to continue to support the RGD in fostering a safe and inclusive environment where all of our Members can learn, grow, support each other and embrace our differences. I will continue to advocate for diverse perspectives and voices, making room for equitable representation and championing initiatives from the Diversity & Inclusion Committee to make our organization and industry even more inclusive and equitable."