Michelle Hopgood RGD
Michelle is Founder, Creative Designer and Information Specialist at Hopgood Creative. She helps researchers, academics and thinkers use the power of design to explain complex ideas. With over 15 years of experience in design, information, knowledge and information management, Michelle brings a unique perspective to clients and business. Michelle was a Design Educator at Seneca College teaching information design. She holds a diploma from Sault College, a Bachelor of Design from OCAD University, and a Master of Information from the University of Toronto. Michelle was a recipient of RGD’s In-House Design Awards 2016 and a speaker at DesignThinkers TO 2019. She has an unshakeable commitment to making complex ideas beautiful to help her clients get media attention, teach courses and reach a wide audience.
Toronto, ON
Member since September 15, 2016
Founder, Creative Director, and Information Specialist @ Hopgood Creative
- Creative Direction
- Editorial
- Information Design
- Accessibility
- Art Direction
- Book Design
- Education
- Exhibit Design