The 3 F's: How I Got from There to Here
Sean Adams & Noreen Morioka
About this video
There is no tricky and complex theme here. This lecture recounts the trajectory of Sean Adams’ career over the last 30 years. What were the big decisions, mistakes and successes? How can a designer maintain sanity and inspiration over the long haul? Is Sean disturbed or obsessive?
Sean Adams & Noreen Morioka
AdamsMorioka is a branding and design consultancy in Beverly Hills. Since its founding in 1994, the firm has been recognized by every major competition and publication including Communication Arts, AIGA, Graphis,the Type Directors Club and the Art Director’s Club. Sean Adams and Noreen Morioka have been named to the ID40, which cited them as two of the 40 most important people shaping design internationally. Sean teaches at Art Center College of Design. He is co-author of Logo Design Workbook, Color Design Workbook and the series Masters of Design. AdamsMorioka’s clients include the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Gap, Nickelodeon, Sundance, Target, USC and Disney.