Concepts and Ideamaking: Type and Image
Sean Adams
About this video
The most common question Sean is asked after a lecture is, ;Where do you find your inspiration? At its core, this question is about concept, ;Where do you find your ideas? Sean will take a symbol, metaphor, typographic imagery and ways of combining imagery over a standard scene of people doing every day things. These are great ways to convey a concept. These give the viewer some work and make the solution memorable. While writing his last book he found amazing examples that he shares to demonstrate the above. He also shares some of his all-time favourites and processes to land on a fresh concept with equally distinct execution.
Takeaways include:
- Be inspired
- See problem-solving in a new way
- Explore alternative ways of idea creation and execution
Sean Adams
Sean is the Chair of the Undergraduate and Graduate Graphic Design Program at Art Center. He also serves as Executive\Director of the Graphic Design Graduate Program. Adams continues his design practice with The Office of Sean Adams. He is the author of multiple books and on-screen author for LinkedIn Learning. He is the only two-term AIGA national president in AIGA 100-year history. In 2014, Sean was awarded the AIGA Medal, the highest honour in the profession. He currently is on the editorial board and writes for Design Observer.