Shifting Left: How to think about accessibility early
Samuel Proulx
About this video
It’s well known that retrofitting existing designs takes far longer than thinking about accessibility from the start. In this session, you’ll learn how to build accessibility into your design work from the start by involving the voices of people with disabilities. We’ll cover topics including training, ideation and inclusive research sessions, prototype reviews and testing. Join Sam as he guides you through designing for assistive technology users, and covers critical considerations when beginning this journey.
Samuel Proulx
Samuel is the Accessibility Evangelist at Fable, a leading accessibility platform powered by people with disabilities. As a blind individual, Sam knows and values the importance of accessibility in all aspects of life and is a strong advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the digital world. Sam brings his previous experience as Fable’s community manager, plus life-long advocacy for himself and others, to his role as Evangelist.