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Oct 20, 2023

Design and Accessibility — A Powerful Combination

Emmanuelle Goodier, Wendy Lockyer

About this video


Emmanuelle and Wendy will share practical lessons from their experience and help answer a common question “I followed the training so why isn’t the PDF passing accessibility testing tools?”.

Emmanuelle Goodier & Wendy Lockyer

Moderated by Wendy Tabor RGD


Emmanuelle Goodier

Director, Accessibility Services
Emmanuelle has been working for Accessibil-IT for over 10 years. She is an expert in document accessibility and PDF as a format. She has extensive experience with the full process of making a document fully accessible; from designing with accessibility in mind, the opportunity to add tags in the source file and PDF version, as well as testing for compliance and use with adaptive technology. Emmanuelle understands the benefits to designers to learn about accessibility. She has seen first-hand the challenges faced with documents produced in InDesign but needing to be posted in accessible PDF. She has the skills and experience to address these challenges.


Wendy Lockyer

Wendy has owned Accessibil-IT since it’s incorporation in 2009. She has extensive experience working with clients to develop accessibility strategies; determining where in the process of document development the accessibility is best completed. She hears from organizations and individuals about the challenges of creating accessible documents, with the most common comment being “I followed the training, why didn’t the accessibility pass?”. She has spoken at conferences and has presented to executive committees about the challenges and potential solutions for achieving document accessibility which is accurately conveyed by adaptive technology.
