Adding Value to the Invisibility of Typefaces
Jean François Porchez
About this video
Typography has long been understood as the heart of graphic design and it perfectly emphasizes the adage that good design is not seen. For most readers, typefaces are neither understood nor effectively analyzed but only interpreted (often instinctively) as a tool that supports reading. Type design remains transparent to the public. So how does one develop something that is invisible?
Jean François Porchez
Founder of Typofonderie and Type Director at ZeCraft, Jean François’ expertise covers the design of typefaces, logotypes and typography. He has designed custom fonts for Beyoncé, Louis Vuitton and Sephora. Jean François is Program Director for the Typographic Design Master’s Program at l’École de Communication Visuelle and founder of Type@Paris, a 5-week program. A Knight in the Order of Arts and Letters, he conducts international workshops and is Honorary President of ATypI.