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John deWolf RGD

  • Branding
  • Exhibit Design
  • Wayfinding

John deWolf RGD

Throughout his 30-year career, multi-disciplinary designer John deWolf has designed print, exhibitions, signage and wayfinding, brands and interior environments. His many skills include designing accessible, inclusive communication systems, particularly for diverse audiences.  Design is not only physical and aesthetic, but also cognitive and experiential. Process, program, system, story, service and experience are integral to Mr. deWolf's interdisciplinary approach. As a counterbalance to consumer culture, Mr. deWolf advocates sustainability, inclusivity and social and community awareness.  John is driven by a desire to preserve culture and heritage and develop public initiatives that benefit the community.

Identifies as He

Halifax, NS

Member since October 26, 2017

Principal @ Narrative Environments Studio


I'm an RGD Member because...

“As a professional, I believe it is critical that I be a Member of those organizations that are champions for the industry in which I practice. Quite simply, we should support organizations that support us. Cost, value and perks are not part of the equation. My decision to join RGD is based on community and advocacy.”

My favourite RGD memory is..

“The first week I joined RGD, I was welcomed by the Executive Director and shortly thereafter by others. Encouraged to fill-in my profile, I did. Asked if would contribute a case study, I did. Invited to participate as a judge for the So(cial) Good Design Awards, I accepted. The more actively I engage, the more I get from this relationship.”

The best part about the RGD is...

“From events, conferences, and the slack channel, I made strong and lasting relationships. I go to the slack channel, post a question, and have thoughtful and help responses almost immediately. I was introduced to countless individuals at events, resulting in virtual coffee-dates about every 6–8 weeks with a dozen people. RGD is about community.”