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Education Committee Members

Committee Chairs

Education Print Production Typography

Diana Varma RGD is an award-winning design educator by day and a podcaster by night; getting creative with creatives about all things creative. She is a woman in STEAM who operates a traditional offset ...

Accessibility System Design UX

Rupsha is a Designer specializing in Human-Centered Design, an Emerging Design Educator, and an Emerging Design Researcher. Rupsha is pursuing her Master of Design at York. Her work involves looking at ...

Committee Members

Branding Education Information Design
Accessibility UI Web Development

Graphic designer bringing creativity and a dash of fun to every project. Her passions lie in motion, web design and development, all while prioritizing accessibility as a fundamental design principle.View Profile

Brand Strategy Branding Corporate Communications
I am a highly skilled branding and graphic designer with 15 years of industry experience. My passion lies in creating visually captivating designs that leave a lasting impact, that are as unique as the cli...
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Brand Strategy Branding Creative Direction

Amelia is a Canadian expat, now living in New York City, and wearer of many hats — designer, strategist, illustrator, storyteller, brand builder — showcasing her multidisciplinary creativity. As each pi...

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Branding Illustration Print Production

Preet is a versatile and passionate creative professional specializing in design, branding, illustration, and art direction. Originally from India and now based in Toronto, Canada, she brings a rich cul...

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Fe Wyma is the Senior Consultant of Communications and Creative Services at NVision Insight Group and the founder, principal designer, and restless spirit of Kapwa Communications. For more than 20 years, s...
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