What’s Your Design Worth?
Jenn & Ken Visocky O'Grady
About this video
So you’re seeking to prove your value. Somewhere, over the last few months you’ve run into professional roadblocks. Someone has questioned your expertise, challenged your process, denied you compensation, closed the door to a promotion, told you that your baby was ugly. Designers intrinsically know that their talents and abilities generate significant value for their clients and for end-users. But how do we prove it? And how do we frame that value, and the expert status we’ve achieved to wield it, so that our clients can better understand? In lean economic times, design buyers want assurances on return on investment, and they also want to know that design activities are going to have bottom line impact. Jenn and Ken will share information from their new book, Design Currency, that will help you understand the value you generate and help you promote it outside the choir.
Jenn & Ken Visocky O'Grady
Jenn is Professor and Chair of the Art Department at Cleveland State U. Ken is Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the School of Visual Communication Design at Kent State U. They are co-authors of Design Currency, The Information Design Handbook and A Designer's Research Manual (which is suggested reading for the RGD exam). Through their work, the couple strives to make academic concepts approachable while celebrating the power and potential of design. They present at conferences, including those by AIGA and HOW, and promote design to groups, like NASA and CIFAR.