What The H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks Does That Mean?
Jenn + Ken Visocky O'Grady
About this video
A flurry of buzz words have invaded the industry since you left school. Join Jenn and Ken as they demystify, dissect and debunk the most virulent hot topics in DesignLand. (Maybe you're a cross-cultural-systems-thinking-universal-design-strategist and you didn't even know it.)
Jenn + Ken Visocky O'Grady
Jenn + Ken are partners in business and life. The couple co-founded Enspace, a creative think tank where collaboration enhances communication. The two also promote the value of design in the classroom – Jenn as an Associate Professor at Cleveland State University, and Ken as an Associate Professor at Kent State University. They are the co-authors of The Information Design Handbook and A Designer’s Research Manual, which is the basis for the research questions on the Registered Graphic Designers Qualification Examination. Their latest project, Parse (presented by HOW), aims to make big design ideas actionable and applicable—in 5 minute bites.