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Jan 01, 2022

Digital Asset Management (DAM): Implementation and Best Practices

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Having quick, easy access to your digital assets can significantly improve your workflow. In this webinar, three in-house design professionals share their experience with DAM system implementation and use in their organizations.

Selling the Value of Digital Asset Management presented by Erin Grandmaison RGD
After years of spending way too much time searching a digital library with thousands of photos and inconsistent filing, the Creative Strategy team at Bruce Power decided it was time to start using DAM software. Follow along as Erin walks us through building a business case, working with IT and getting users trained and excited about this time-saving tool.

About Erin Grandmaison RGD
Erin is a graphic designer with Bruce Power's award-winning Creative Strategy team. With 20 years of involvement in the design industry, her work has led her to collaborate with leading institutions, corporations and artists worldwide. Her broad ranging skill set has enabled her to design, manage, and produce projects on many scales.

Everyone is a brand champion!presented by Nadine Kuhlkamp RGD
Learn how Foresters Financial created a brand portal and digital asset management solution to empower designers, vendor partners and employees with tools to create a consistent and cohesive brand experience.
