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Nov 06, 2015

Designing Building Blocks – Not Edifices

John Furneaux RGD

About this video


Clients are looking for today’s designer to be the architect for a system of ‘building blocks’ to then be implemented by a range of people—changing our role from Designer of a finished piece to Design System Consultant. John explains how to understand the end users of the programs you create and how to create designs that come to life in platforms that haven’t been anticipated yet.


John Furneaux RGD

John Furneaux RGD is the Managing Director for the Toronto office of PS&Co Brand Studio, working with good organizations, to unify brand, people and purpose. For over 30 years, John has worked closely with organizations of all sizes — from entrepreneurial start-ups to global leaders. His award-winning experience spans a broad range of brand image and identity programs, as well as the communications and marketing initiatives that bring brands to life. John also teaches at George Brown College in their Design Management Program. He is a Past President of RGD and is an active speaker and contributor in the design industry.
