Online Test
• The Test can be taken from any webcam-enabled computer at any location between 9 AM ET to 9 PM ET through our online test platform (Mettl Mercer). Review their privacy policy.
• You have 36 minutes to complete 24 multiple-choice questions for the sections outlined below.
• The Test is entirely open book. Books and notes (printed and digital) may be used during the Test.
• You must correctly answer 9 out of 12 questions to pass a section. If you fail a section, you must retake it.
Accessibility Section
Based on the RGD's AccessAbility 2: A Practical Handbook on Accessible Graphic Design, the aim of this section is to ensure Certified RGDs understand the principles of accessibility as applied to printed messages, websites and physical environments.
Ethics Section
Based on the RGD's Code of Ethics, Certified RGDs are committed to the highest professional and ethical standards when working for clients, as employees and in service to the public. The aim of this section is to ensure a thorough understanding of these responsibilities.
Suggested texts

I am an RGD because I want my clients to be confident in hiring me. They can trust my intentions, as I am governed by the RGD's Code of Ethics.Marlo Biasutti RGD, M81 Creative