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NewsOct 27, 2023

Share a proposal to speak at DesignThinkers or present a webinar

Photo of Zipeng Zhu at DesignThinkers Toronto 2023 Zipeng Zhu, DesignThinkers Toronto 2023, Photography: Eric Forest RGD

Interested in sharing your insights and expertise with the design community? 

We invite you to apply to speak at RGD's in-person DesignThinkers 2024 Conferences taking place in Vancouver on May 28-29 and in Toronto on November 7-8.

“Through our events, the RGD brings together creatives at all levels from across Canada every year. The RGD truly delivers what it stands for — ‘Designers Supporting Designers’. Speaking at DesignThinkers or one of the RGD's webinars is a great way to share your knowledge, gain recognition and give back to the community. I encourage all those who have something to say to apply!”
Kathleen Scott RGD, RGD Director & Co-Chair of the Events Committee

DesignThinkers Conference

As Canada's largest conference for the communication design industry, DesignThinkers brings together visionaries from a range of disciplines to explore creativity, the design process and the future of design and design thinking. In 2024, DesignThinkers takes place in-person in Vancouver (May 28-29) and in Toronto (November 7-8). The theme for DesignThinkers in 2023 is "Into the Rabbit Hole": Just as navigating the creative process requires being open-minded and trusting the unknown, The Rabbit Hole becomes a threshold into DesignThinkers—a creative setting that beckons designers to explore, experiment and experience without knowing what the result will be. But as proven year after year, it is always fruitful, always enlightening, always inspiring.


Dates: All year round

We're also seeking applications for Webinar presentations as part of our weekly professional development programming. In particular, we are looking for presentations related to our series on in-house design, accessibility, signage & wayfinding, UX, branding and typography.

If you have any questions, email RGD's Programs Manager, Abdul Omar, at

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