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NewsJul 12, 2024

Student RGD Committee shares update on the Emerging Designer Network

Written by Bella Sanchez, and Jennifer Sutherland

This school year marked a period of significant growth and achievement for the RGD's Emerging Designer Network

The Discord community has become a cornerstone of the RGD's student initiatives, continually growing as a vibrant platform for networking and creative collaboration for both Student RGD and Provisional RGDs. Through impactful initiatives and deliberate community engagement, the Network has increased participation, nurtured creativity and fostered a stronger sense of community.

The Discord Platform

Launched in 2015, Discord began as a user-friendly platform for gamers, offering voice, video and text communication. Over time, its versatile, customizable servers attracted diverse communities beyond gaming, including the RGD's Student community.  

 In 2021, the RGD's Emerging Designer Network established its presence on Discord, providing a conducive environment for students and emerging designers to connect, share resources and support one another. The ability to host virtual events and maintain organized channels makes Discord an invaluable tool in this community. The Emerging Designer Network has become a central platform for our Student and Provisional community to connect, collaborate and grow together.

The initiatives this year developed across the last four seasons:

Fall: Building the Foundation

This season was characterized by collaboration and brainstorming among Students on the RGD's Student Committee and beyond. The Discord server became the go-to place for new and returning Student RGDs to introduce themselves, share their goals and set the stage for achieving their career aspirations. Custom emojis and stickers were created to boost engagement and foster a sense of fun within the Network. These personalized touches made the server more welcoming and fun  where Student RGD Members could casually interact with their peers in a safe, supportive digital space.

During this period, our major focus was on establishing a strong community foundation. We engaged students in diverse discussions on design trends, encouraged them to showcase their latest projects and fostered an environment of constructive peer feedback. By the end of Fall, the server was buzzing with activity, filled with creative projects that enhanced Member participation and engagement.

Winter: Expanding Engagement

December's highlight was a week-long holiday party on the server. The holiday party featured a special channel where members could exchange their favourite design resources and, like resources and use a custom RGD heart sticker to show their favourites. This period of heavy engagement carried the community spirit into the holiday break and set a positive tone for the new year.

The winter semester kicked off with two out of the three Student Committee subcommittees—for Discord and Events—teaming up for a special event. We organized a watch party on the Discord server to stream a recording of Chris Do's DesignThinkers 2023 presentation. The watch party resulted in a large amount of community engagement, boasting the platform's highest event attendance. The watch party was more than just an educational experience; it was a moment of unity, where students from different backgrounds came together to learn, discuss and bond over shared interests, with meaningful conversations continuing on the server long after the event.

To keep spirits high and engagement rolling, the RGD's Student Committee made it a top priority to foster a vibrant community. In our ongoing efforts to build connections and create networking opportunities, the Student Event subcommittee hosted a Pictionary night. This event helped bring Student RGDs and Provisional RGDs together in a relaxed environment, helping break down barriers and build lasting relationships. The night was a reminder of the joy and camaraderie that our community thrives on, and it left everyone looking forward to the next event.

Spring: Strengthening Community Bonds

Spring brought more events and deeper engagement to the server. Meaningful conversations flourished as emerging designers shared their experiences, challenges and triumphs. Promoting RGD events kept students informed and involved, and a virtual trivia night was a highlight of the season.

The trivia night brought enthusiastic participation, solidifying the server as a lively gathering place for RGD's community of emerging designers. With a mix of design trivia and pop culture topics, it was a perfect blend of fun and learning. Laughter and friendly competition filled the server as everyone bonded over what they knew and discovered new facts together. More than just a game, it was a chance for us all to share our knowledge, learn something new and connect with one another in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. 

Additionally, ongoing discussions about design techniques, portfolio reviews and career advice helped strengthen community bonds. The server continued to actively function as a place where students could openly share their struggles and receive peer support. Throughout spring, the server's moderators worked diligently to ensure a safe and welcoming space for all Members. Monthly activities and events kept up the momentum, and the community thrived with continuous moderation and engagement.

Summer: Sustaining Momentum

Summer saw the Discord subcommittee release a resource-sharing 'Year-End Gift' to celebrate the graduation of many RGD Student RGDs into the professional world. The PDF provided a long list of all the resources shared throughout the year on the Discord server, and offered an encouraging message for Student RGDs to pursue Provisional RGD Membership as the next step in their careers.

The Emerging Designer Network's initiatives significantly boosted engagement, making the server a thriving hub. The community reached new heights of participation and creativity, laying a solid foundation for future opportunities and development in this vital community space. 

As the new school year beckons, it is clear that the Discord server has become more than just a platform; it is a critical part of the RGD Student experience, empowering emerging designers to connect, learn and grow together. We can't wait to develop and share further updates as we expand and solidify the Network.

Bella Sanchez

Bella Sanchez is a multidisciplinary designer fuelled by her dedication to creating impactful solutions. Her creative journey explores the crossroads of strategy, design, and storytelling.

With a commitment to authenticity and empathy, Bella brings a fresh perspective to every project she undertakes. Her passion lies in crafting designs that resonate deeply with people, fostering genuine connections and meaningful experiences.

Jennifer Sutherland

Jen is a second-year graphic design student at Centennial College. Before coming to Centennial, she worked in the medical not-for-profit industry, supporting associations, publishing medical journals, managing websites and helping plan conferences. Eager to expand her skill set, she is particularly interested in delving into motion graphics, information design and designing for multilingual applications with a focus on accessibility and inclusivity.


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