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Andrea RodriguezRGD


  • Art Direction
  • Editorial
  • Typography
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Andrea Rodriguez RGD

I am a passionate designer and art director based in Toronto with over 12 years of experience in the field. My approach to design is to create solutions that communicate a meaningful message. I prioritize typography, respect the grid and ensure that each piece serves a purpose, following the fundamentals of design. My specialties include illustration, lettering and digital campaigns. I take a 360-degree approach to design that focuses on concept development and visual storytelling. I am committed to working with not-for-profit organizations that support women, minorities and marginalized groups. My education in Canada and France has given me a unique perspective that blends international experience with a commitment to enhancing Latin American representation in Canada. My philosophy is to design with a purpose and create work that my clients and their audiences can be proud of. I also specialize in creating vibrant and whimsical murals that transform spaces with joy and colour. My designs are inspired by the rich tapestry of Latin American culture, especially my Colombian roots. I celebrate nature, lettering and wildlife in my designs, fostering community identity and well-being. My aim is to enrich public spaces, making art accessible and enjoyable for all.
Identifies as Andreacataro

Toronto, ON

Member since December 21, 2018

Freelance Designer and Artist @ Andreacataro Creative Services


You should hire me because...

“My design philosophy is to create purpose-driven designs and to balance professional expertise with client and audience input. I have successfully partnered with organizations and aim to work with clients who share my values. My goal is to create designs that achieve strategic objectives and promote inclusivity.”

I know a lot about...

“I know a lot about being a type nerd; my passion is typography, including its history, lettering, and mural art. I love a clean design, which contrasts sharply with my bold, vibrant murals. I am well-versed in the evolution of type and can create bespoke letterforms. I combine these elements in unique and impactful ways.”

The best advice I've ever received is...

“The best advice I've received is to do things I care about. This principle has guided me to pursue my passions, infusing my work with purpose and authenticity. It's transformed my approach, ensuring my career is flourishing, meaningful, and aligned with what truly matters to me.”