About this video
How do designers create narratives that not only capture attention but create impact? Join Paddy as he explores how his team uses storytelling as a strategic tool to redefine the design landscape. In this talk, Paddy unveils how the integration of AI, immersive experience and strategic thinking is transforming design from a visual craft into a powerful narrative force that pushes the power of design upstream into the heart of organizations. Learn how Frontier Design is leveraging these tools to build brand stories that resonate on a deeper level—shaping perceptions, influencing behaviours and driving meaningful change. Whether you're a student looking to break into the industry or a seasoned professional seeking to expand your toolkit, this talk shows you how to think beyond aesthetics and embrace the power of story to create designs that truly matter.

Paddy Harrington RGD
Paddy is a design innovator and storyteller who helps organizations discover and express their core purpose and long-term ambition. He is the founder of Frontier, a Design Office that collaborates with clients and creates strategic stories. He is also a member of WXO, a global network of experience leaders and practitioners who shape the future of human experience.
With nearly 20 years of experience in the design field and degrees in literature and architecture, Paddy has worked with diverse and influential clients, such as PepsiCo, Unilever, the Sacramento Kings, and the Holy City of Mecca. He is design strategist, an award-winning writer and filmmaker, and a frequent speaker at design conferences and universities. He is passionate about creating strategic stories that inspire, guide, and empower businesses, people, and the planet to thrive.