What is Good Design and can Typography have a Positive Impact on Society?
Peter Biľak, Kevin King
About this video
Join Peter as he presents examples of design with societal impact, specifically focusing on type design for endangered languages around the world. He puts an emphasis on community engagement to first understand the needs and preferences of local users. In return, this effort results in more meaningful solutions because of the collaboration that occurs directly with local communities throughout the whole process.
Peter Biľak
Founder of Typotheque
Peter works in editorial and type design. In 1999, he founded Typotheque, a type company researching and developing modern and authentic fonts for the world languages. He co-founded Font-stand and TPTQ Arabic. He was named a Game Changer by Metropolis for his contribution to the non-Latin. Peter teaches a Type and Media postgraduate course at the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague. He also writes and lectures worldwide about the possibilities of design.
Kevin King