Let's Talk About Me
Richard Turley
About this video
Richard woke up earlier this year having accidentally agreeing to become a Senior VP at MTV. During this presentation, he will try to piece together how and why that happened; explain the consequences of agreeing to a job he had no idea how to do and reveal how it's going. Expect informative pictograms, examples of incredible design thinking and bite-sized transformational design-themed life lessons that will prove invaluable and transformational whatever work environment you happen to work invaluably in. You will leave informed and transformed. And also invaluable. Strobe lighting and homemade pyrotechnic devices will be used during the performance.
Richard Turley
Richard Turley is Senior VP of Visual Storytelling & Deputy Editorial Director at MTV. Prior to joining MTV, Richard was Creative Director of Bloomberg Businessweek from 2010 until recently where he worked on a creative overhaul of the magazine. The redesign was described as pushing the boundaries of traditional newsweekly and business magazine design. During his tenure at The Guardian, where he served as Art Director and Senior Designer, he worked on that newspaper’s lauded redesign.