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Dec 15, 2012

Infographic Thinking

Francesco Franchi

About this video


With technology advancing at such a rapid speed, and the way we consume and digest information constantly evolving, designers are challenged to embrace new editorial formats, platforms and visual languages. A new breed of visual journalists and graphic editors are creating a narrative language where the content and visuals work cohesively to deliver a result that enhances the overall quality of stories. Francesco explains how to convey your ideas through visual storytelling where texts, headlines, photographs and infographics are not stand-alone elements but create knowledge that readers can digest elegantly and eff ortlessly.


Francesco Franchi

Francesco Franchi is Art Director for Intelligence in Lifestyle (IL), the newsmagazine of the leading fi nancial daily in Italy. Previously he worked as senior designer for Leftloft, a design studio based in Milan and New York. Called “a master of information design” by Fast Company, Francesco is “a true master of combining representation and interpretation, creating a visual form that is as graphic as it is narrative, as entertaining as it is informative.”
