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Nov 02, 2020

“I Never Knew Black People Could Design”

Angela Bains

About this video


You may be surprised by these words, but Black designers are not. This presentation goes deep and real into my design journey.
Are you listening, questioning or inquiring or self-reflecting about the design industry and its struggle with diversity? If so, you will walk away with a full understanding. We see words like Decolonisation, Diversity, Equity, Intersectionalty etc. Why are these words important and what does it mean to be Black and a designer? This is a true story because it’s time to hear the truth.


Angela Bains

With over 30 years of experience in the design industry, Angela is the Co-Founder and Strategic Director of TransformExp, an award-winning design firm with clients like BBC Television, BC Liquor Stores, Swatch Canada and The Ritz-Carlton. She has also spent many years designing for social change, including the Free Nelson Mandela Campaign and the first World Aid Day concert. As an Educator, Angela has been nominated for seven local and national teaching awards of excellence in Canada and has won Teaching Excellence Award at BCIT. She has also developed several creative industry career events with the British Columbia Institute of Technology Student Association (BCITSA) and has organized events to participate in Vancouver Design Week, as well as, her very own BainsExtraBold UK TYPE TOUR 2018.
