Embracing Complexity
David Butler
About this video
Coca-Cola is a simple product. But the Coca-Cola Company and its portfolio of brands live in an increasingly complex world. Never before have we needed to be so nimble, so flexible, so on alert for the disruption that could upend our industry. The questions that consume us are universal: How do we remain relevant? How can we differentiate in the marketplace? How can we create more value? How can we do more with less? Historically, we’ve used design to answer these questions—to create simplicity across our business. This approach to design has served us well for over 100 years. But in an increasingly complex world, we’ve realized that we need more than simplicity. As the world rapidly changes, design is now a tool to embrace complexity and help us create the kind of flexibility and adaptability we need to succeed.
David Butler
David Butler is responsible for Coca-Cola’s approach to innovation. With an emphasis on disruptive or breakthrough innovation, David leads the strategy and develops the capabilities Coca-Cola needs to create sustainable innovation. David joined Coca-Cola in 2004 as the VP of Global Design. Under his leadership, Coca-Cola received the prestigious Grand Prix from the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival. In 2009, Fast Company recognized David as a “Master of Design”.