Defy Time
Sagi Haviv
About this video
Defying time is what a good logo does. It prevails over years, even decades, through changes in media, technology and society. The longer it endures, the more recognition and equity the logo can build, creating value for the company or organization. Our primary concern as identity designers is permanence — the right logo is a vessel that, over time, can hold all the feelings and associations that we have with the brand it represents.
Sagi Haviv
Chermayeff Geismar Haviv is responsible for many of the most famous logos of all time, including Chase Bank, NBC, Conservation International, Harvard University Press, State Farm, Mobil Oil, PBS, Showtime Networks, NYU, National Geographic, Animal Planet and the US Open Tennis Championships. Sagi joined the firm in 2003 after graduating from The Cooper Union School of Art. He is a go-to expert on the process of effective logo design for Bloomberg Businessweek, PBS, Fast Company, NBC Meet The Press and SkillShare. He speaks about logo design around the world, including for TEDx, the AIGA, the HOW Design Conference, the Brand New Conference, Princeton University, the Onassis Foundation, the American Advertising Federation and Columbia Business School, amongst many others. Sagi teaches Visual Identity Design at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Sagi is coauthor of Identify: Basic Principles of Identity Design in the Iconic Trademarks of Chermayeff Geismar (Print Publishers, 2011) and Identity: Chermayeff Geismar Haviv (Standards Manual, May, 2018).