Designing for Voice: Learning from the Disability Community
Samuel Proulx
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Thanks to digital assistants like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri, designing voice-based interactions has taken on new urgency. Upcoming AI techniques like ChatGPT will only increase the momentum towards voice-based, conversational interfaces. But voice is an entirely new medium, requiring completely new techniques. People with disabilities have been thinking about voice-based interfaces for the last 20 years. In this webinar, we’ll cover what you can learn about voice output and auditory experiences from the long and diverse history of screen reader innovation, and what disabled users of voice dictation software have learned about voice input. How can you allow for complex interactions without a screen? How can you allow users to express complex intentions without using a keyboard?
Moderated by Magued Hanna RGD
Samuel Proulx
Samuel is the Accessibility Evangelist at Fable, a leading accessibility platform powered by people with disabilities. As a blind individual, Sam knows and values the importance of accessibility in all aspects of life and is a strong advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the digital world. Sam brings his previous experience as Fable’s community manager, plus life-long advocacy for himself and others, to his role as Evangelist.