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InterviewAug 01, 2022

Volunteer of the Month: Tomomi Lo RGD

Interview with Tomomi Lo RGD

This August, the RGD thanks Tomomi Lo RGD for her contributions to the RGD community.

How long have you been volunteering with the RGD and in what capacity?

After my RGD Certification in 2017, I wanted to get involved and volunteer right away. I started with student portfolio reviews and then got involved in RGD events like leading studio tours, organizing design socials and participating in one of my favourite events as a Team Mentor for a Designathon. As I got more involved, I saw myself wanting to do more for the design community and was invited to participate on the Education Committee, which I joined in 2018. I assist with various education-related initiatives and develop programs to help design students and educators get connected, be recognized and access needed resources.

What contribution are you most proud of?

I am most proud of leading and building the virt Creative Directions Career Development Conference in 2021 and 2022. Working with a team of creatives to brainstorm ideas for an event that would bring value to designers in all stages of their career was a creatively challenging task. After all the hard work, planning and discussion, it was greatly rewarding to see the event unfold. It was even more gratifying to receive such positive feedback on the event!

What is the most surprising/unexpected thing to come out of volunteering with the RGD?

I have made friendships and connections that go beyond my province, discipline and career journey. Volunteering with the RGD gives me an opportunity to meet creatives from such vast backgrounds and experiences. I have learned so much along the way from my peers and they’re all very open to connecting, helping and sharing. Mentoring young designers and leading teams has also helped me grow as a designer and hone many essential skills beneficial to my career.

What have you learned about the industry since volunteering for the RGD?

Our competitive industry can be isolating and lonely at times, even more during the pandemic. The RGD has opened me up to a community that is open to sharing, and this has made me more proactive about reaching out to fellow creatives to see how they are doing. It has made me realize the importance of a supportive and collaborative community.

Based on your experience volunteering with the RGD, how would you describe the role of the organization in the industry?

The RGD has created a safe and collaborative community where designers support fellow designers. This kind of community is important in a competitive industry like ours. When people have questions about their careers that they can’t discuss with anyone, the RGD usually has resources to help or can connect you with people who can help. For me, the RGD nurtures, enriches and brings our creative community together.

What have you gained from being an RGD volunteer and why would you recommend it to other members who might be thinking of getting involved?

I recommend all the RGD Members who want to be a part of something bigger than just themselves to volunteer with the RGD. Volunteering has given me more purpose in my career by giving me a chance to give back to the creative community which has in return given me back so much more.

Do you have thoughts on what you might like to do as a volunteer with the RGD in the future?

I’d like to be more involved in working with the next generation of designers. I want to make sure they have the resources to build a career they want, a community that is open to supporting them and gives them a platform to showcase their work and be recognized. It’s something I  searched for when I was young and appreciated all those who helped me shape my career.


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