Volunteer of the Month: Maggie Ostler RGD
Interview with Maggie Ostler RGD, WS
This February, we thank Maggie Ostler RGD for her contribution to the RGD community.

“Maggie has been an incredible asset to the Events Committee, especially as we are working to relaunch a bunch of local, in-person events. She is enthusiastic to take on responsibilities and strives to see them through to perfection. We are grateful to have her on our committee and I am looking forward to seeing her excel at leading the local events sub-committee.”
Alexandra Vranjesevic RGD
How long have you been volunteering with the RGD and in what capacity?
I have been volunteering with the RGD for just over 2 years.
What contribution are you most proud of?
I had recently organized the RGD Design Trivia Night in Toronto that went really well. We had a great turnout, a wonderful host, fun prizes and an overall wonderful evening. I'm really proud of how it turned out.
What is the most surprising/unexpected thing to come out of volunteering with the RGD?
The connections I have made and continuously make with designers from all across the country.
What have you learned about the industry since volunteering for the RGD?
The design world is a small world with a really supportive network.
Based on your experience volunteering with the RGD, how would you describe the role of the organization in the industry?
Having a hub of like-minded designers to turn to with questions, concerns or just for support is amazing. The RGD provides that inner-circle like support and it's lovely.
What have you gained from being an RGD volunteer and why would you recommend it to other members who might be thinking of getting involved?
The community is amazing; being part of something bigger than yourself feels great.
Do you have thoughts on what you might like to do as a volunteer with the RGD in the future?
I've actually just accepted the role to lead the local events sub-committee, as a part of the Events Committee. I'm excited to see the RGD community come together in person at live local events all over the country.

Maggie Ostler RGD