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InterviewFeb 01, 2018

Volunteer of the Month: Tim Lum RGD

Interview with Tim Lum RGD, Pixel Flex

Q: How long have you been volunteering with RGD, and in what capacity?

I've been volunteering with RGD since 2013. It started with the Georgian College Portfolio Review Events, during which I spent the day giving feedback on student portfolios and sharing advice on entering the workforce. In 2016 I took the lead to organize my local live screenings of Future By Design (which I continue to host) and joined RGD’s Education Committee.

Q: What made you want to get involved with RGD? 

I wanted to get involved with RGD because of their commitment to professionalism and advocacy for the Graphic Design industry. By organizing/attending more events I surrounded myself with other local designers and started building a creative community within Barrie.

Q: Of the RGD initiatives you have contributed to, what are you most proud of? 

I'm most proud of organizing/hosting Barrie's Future By Design events because it has been rewarding to see them continue to grow within the community. I've had some great discussions that go beyond the topics and it is great seeing the engagement on social media.

Q: What has been your most memorable experience as an RGD volunteer?

Meeting so many designers at different stages in their creative careers has definitely been a highlight. From students to professors to in-house designers to business owners, we all share a passion for design.

Q: What have you gained from being an RGD volunteer, and why would you recommend it to other members who might be thinking of getting involved?

Volunteering with RGD gives you the opportunity to connect with many more designers. When you get involved, RGD invites your feedback and encourages new ideas. Becoming a volunteer gives you the chance to make meaningful contributions that directly benefit the design community. 

Tim Lum RGD

Pixel Flex

Hey 👋 I'm a registered graphic designer that has been design studio, I'm able to work on a variety of creative marketing services that includes graphic design and photography for my clients. specializing in graphic design, marketing, web design, brand strategy, and photography.

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