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Amy JanzenRGD


  • Art Direction
  • Branding
  • Marketing
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Amy Janzen RGD

Amy is a graphic and multimedia designer who loves the chaos and variety of working in-house. She's deeply curious about pretty much everything and an insatiable reader. Her work connects business needs with a sense of delight and play. She currently works in the tech B2B space, but is open to other industries.

Toronto, ON

Member since November 12, 2020

Graphic and Multimedia Designer @ Mercatus Technologies LLC


I'm an RGD Member because...

“I was struggling to fit myself into the role of designer without feeling like a impostor or an exile. Being a part of the RGD gives me a sense of belonging in the design community, with standards of excellence and a code of ethics.”

You should hire me because...

“I understand how marketing and design work together. I can take on projects outside my specific role and I am constantly learning new skills on the job to meet the needs of my team.”

The best advice I've ever received is...

“actually from a book. And it sounds pretty awful at face value: "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time." Every impossible task is conquerable if you break it down into small, doable chunks. I would never condone eating an endangered species but I do look at every challenge as a series of small, achievable steps.”