Designer Collector: Absurd stock photography
Written by Amy Janzen RGD, Mercatus Technologies LLC
Amy Janzen RGD shares her collection of stock photography.
What do you collect?
I collect the silliest, most absurd stock photos I can find. It’s not a unique collection; @darkstockphotos on Twitter has cherry-picked the most ominous of images and there are many others.
Since when?
I’ve been noticing them and sharing them around the office since I started working in design, but, in 2020, I started slacking them to myself regularly. My co-workers encouraged me to put together a Best of 2020 to share with the whole company and now it seems like it’s a serious collection.

How does it inspire you as a designer?
I admire the work, the hustle and the thought process that surely went into these. Every single image was made because a creative out there is desperately trying to make a buck by connecting with a need they only suspect exists. Someone, out there, really needs a photo of a cat lifting watermelons and they are going to make it happen.
Some models have a vast body of work. Skeleton businessman brings a certain element of delight into every overactive facial expression. He’s a doctor, a business professional who works in the trades and the gig economy. His likeness is found on Getty, Shutterstock and Adobe Stock. Another photographer, not included here, composited a single self-portrait over dozens of landscapes. It’s laughably bad until you read his Shutterstock bio and find out that he’s an aspiring photographer working his way out of homelessness. I can’t make fun of that, I admire the diligence and hope that he carries.

Your favourites?
My current favourite is the cat snake. It’s inspired a very visceral reaction in everyone I’ve ever shared it with. There’s a strong narrative in the photo, but no matter how long I stare at it, I lack a crucial piece of context. I can’t parse it at all. I also can’t look away.
An item you aspire to have in your collection?
I don’t really have any dreams for this collection. I seek these out for the weirdness, the lulz, the sense of silliness. I live in hope that every time I do a deep dive for a specific look, that I will find something completely ludicrous. The next snake cat is just around the corner.

Amy Janzen RGD
Mercatus Technologies LLC
Amy is a graphic and multimedia designer who loves the chaos and variety of working in-house. She's deeply curious about pretty much everything and an insatiable reader. Her work connects business needs with a sense of delight and play. She currently works in the tech B2B space, but is open to other industries.