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Olivia Burton RGD


  • Brand Strategy
  • Branding
  • Print

Olivia Burton RGD

Hi Folks! I'm Olivia Burton and I am an Registered Graphic Designer (RGD) with an Advanced Graphic Design Diploma and Business Certificate from St. Lawrence College. I am a visual communicator and problem solver. I take great pride in creating design work that creates impact and tells a story to the audience. I work as an in-house graphic designer at Jane Software, as well as a Part-Time Design Instructor at St. Lawrence College.

Kingston, ON

Member since March 30, 2021

Graphic Designer @ Jane Software


Freshly Certified Creating Effective Case Studies In-house edition
Freshly Certified Creating Effective Case Studies In-house edition
Presented by Olivia Burton RGD, Diana Castaneda RGD, Emma Tarswell RGD & Caroline Toth RGD