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Jun 01, 2022

Why Every Creative Should Consider In-house by Dave Laing

image of presenter Dave Laing

About this video


Designers and other creative professionals often focus their career aspirations on traditional agencies, for comfort, notoriety and because that's where their network works. However, the rise of tech companies, the maturing of UX design and the increase in solid in-house agencies provides new perspectives, skills and opportunities. Creatives now have many more options as to where and how they use their creativity. Join Dave as he highlights the advantages offered by in-house agencies that you may not have known about or considered. You'll walk away from this talk with a renewed sense of hope and optimism about the choices you have in your career, and will be left asking yourself if now's the time to check out in-house as the next step in your career. And if all goes really well, Dave will make you understand why working at an in-house agency will benefit you right now as well as later on in your career.

About Dave Laing
Dave is a Creative who has been in Design and Advertising for 20 years. For the first 16 years of his career, he worked at different agencies such as DDB, Cossette and FCB/Six. At FCB/Six, he was fortunate enough to create which has been internationally recognized at top creative award shows including Cannes and the One Show. Three and a half years ago, he made the leap from agency to client-side to work directly with the designers and developers building the digital experiences. Only a few months into the role, the plans changed, and he started to build what is now known as Lighthouse - Scotiabank's In-House Agency.
