Understanding a Corporate Culture and Establishing Trust
Peter Frost
About this video
New ways of working, increased competition and unprecedented challenges for recruitment and retention have created a climate where brand definition and differentiation are pivotal to advancing a business. In this 40-minute talk, learn from a Brand Manager / Senior Graphic Designer about the lessons-learned from a significant career change, and the process of understanding a new firm, their goals, and translating that knowledge into a unique brand voice to guide business decisions. Using Q4A, a mid-size Canadian Architecture firm, as a case study, understand the tools, processes, and methodology behind defining an organization characteristics quickly and effectively. This extends to conversation on the benefits of transparency, feedback and alignment when sharing a brand vision to leadership and firmwide to all staff.
This session aims to demystify the process of in-house brand building and explore how an introspective understanding of who a firm truly is lays the foundation for future success. With a relatable brand voice in place, take away an appreciation for the reach and road-map of applying it across an organization corporate collateral. From graphic design decisions for print material and corporate brochures to the tone and messaging used on social media and online, see how the pillars of a brand voice can be cohesively applied. This, of course, requires all levels of an organization to unite and emerges as a strategy to build an internal brand, in conjunction with the external. Learn how to achieve this in a way that is embraced by staff, instilling pride and excitement.
Peter Frost
Peter is a Brand Strategist and Marketing Communication Specialist with over 15 years experience in the Architecture and Design industry. Graduating from an Honours University program for Design, with a focus on corporate branding, he ultimately aligned his true passion for architecture with marketing and business development. He has since acquired a wide range of global experience in varied studio settings. His background has allowed him to expand his understanding of the industry and be actively involved in not only Marketing and Design, but also the unique processes and requirements associated with large and small scale proposals, presentations, fee packages, brand guidelines, market placement and operational aspects of the field. Peter regularly speaks at colleges and universities, promoting the industry and career paths and is an active learner and participant at conferences and events. Outside of work, he is an avid runner and regularly trains with the Toronto Frontrunners. He has also led many architecture heritage and history tours of Toronto.