Street Art Isn't Really Art And It Really Isn't Street
Steve Powers
About this video
Stephen Powers makes art in the street by having conversations with communities and translating those conversations into visual communication for communities. A 30+ year practice of painting graffiti and public art has vested Stephen with the authority of the hall monitor in the street art school of artists. Join him as he uses his authority to put the superficial street artists of our era on time-out.
Steve Powers
Steve's alias, ESPO (Exterior Surface Painting Outreach), won him notoriety not only in the Graffiti world, but also helped establish him in the Contemporary Art world. After establishing himself as a publisher for On the Go Magazine and the author of several books (The Art of Getting Over, First and Fifteenth and Studio Gangster), He has been an influential contributor to bettering the lives of teenagers from troubled housing projects by teaching art in Ireland, fighting for human rights in Guantanamo Bay and spreading the love with his Love Letter Street Mural Exhibit, which led to having conversations with communities and translating them into visual communication in 11 cities.