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Oct 07, 2019

Purpose Design

Paddy Harrington RGD, Frontier

About this video


Change happens when people have more inspiring ways to change. Rather than telling people they have to be more socially or environmentally conscious, we have to design more inspiring experiences built on strong social and environmental principles. Design plays an important role in this process. As designers, we are trained to think about human experience and synthesize complex variables seamlessly. And it all starts with understanding your purpose. How can designers help organizations understand their fundamental human purpose in a way that enhances their business goals? And then how can we help them tell their stories in powerful and inspiring ways? This talk explores these ideas and provides insight into how designers can help change things for the better.

Paddy Harrington RGD


Paddy is a design innovator and storyteller who helps organizations discover and express their core purpose and long-term ambition. He is the founder of Frontier, a Design Office that collaborates with clients and creates strategic stories. He is also a member of WXO, a global network of experience leaders and practitioners who shape the future of human experience.

With nearly 20 years of experience in the design field and degrees in literature and architecture, Paddy has worked with diverse and influential clients, such as PepsiCo, Unilever, the Sacramento Kings, and the Holy City of Mecca. He is design strategist, an award-winning writer and filmmaker, and a frequent speaker at design conferences and universities. He is passionate about creating strategic stories that inspire, guide, and empower businesses, people, and the planet to thrive.
