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Nov 06, 2015

Panel: Design Education & Social Innovation

Elise Hodson, Justin Ahrens, Dana Klisanin and Connie Chisholm

About this video


There is growing emphasis on social innovation in design schools. This ranges from community projects in developing countries to thesis projects addressing complex systems-level problems. Underlying these initiatives are assumptions that design is a tool for social good, and that both students and “real-world clients” will benefit. Why has this tradition developed? Do these feel-good projects just give the illusion of engagement, or can this work have meaningful impact? Join a discussion moderated by Elise Hodson, Chair of George Brown College’s School of Design, that will include Justin Ahrens, Principal of Rule29, psychologist and social entrepreneur Dana Klisanin and Connie Chisholm, Instructor and Principal at CoDesign.


Elise Hodson, Justin Ahrens, Dana Klisanin and Connie Chisholm