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Nov 27, 2013

Mission-driven Innovation

Robert Fabricant

About this video


Innovation has been on the executive agenda for quite a while. But too few ideas make it through the operational layers of an organization – the “dark matter” as Dan Hill of Fabrica puts it. This is the biggest challenge for design thinkers today. What if your teams could temporarily adopt a different M.O. and work more collaboratively and openly with partners, without worrying about sacrificing sacred cows in your business? What you need is a mission to create a sense of urgency within your organization. Robert presents models of “mission-driven innovation” and shows how they drive change in large organizations.


Robert Fabricant

Robert is VP of Creative at frog design where he has been since 2001, leading a multidisciplinary creative team in New York in a broad range of initiatives that span product design, interaction design, environments, service design and branded experiences. He has worked with clients such as MTV, GE, Virgin Mobile and Humana and has designed integrated user experiences for numerous platforms, including handheld devices, in-car information systems, medical devices, retail environments, networked applications and desktop software.
