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Jun 01, 2022

How to Get Started with Augmented Reality

Isabelle Udo
Isabelle Udo on stage

About this video


Augmented reality is poised to transform how we live, work and play, but it can be hard to know where and how to start. In this talk, Isabelle shares her experience diving into AR software without any coding or 3D background, sharing how she turned AR into a life-changing tool and most importantly, a way of life. Beyond AR, Isabelle offers insights into what it's like diving into new territory and reveals how one person can make a difference!


Isabelle Udo

Isabelle is a Dutch Interactive Artist based in Amsterdam. She is well-known for her innovative use of organic materials, shapes and vibrant colours in her unique immersive Ar experiences. Founder and Creative Director of videOrbit Studio, she studied Interactive Media Design in the Netherlands, graduated in 2014 and continued her studies in Experimental Film Arts in Brussels, Belgium. At videOrbit Studio, Isabelle and her multi-disciplinary team bring to life anything imaginable when it comes to Mixed Reality interactions. Their main focus is Augmented Reality experiences, physical interactive installations and character creation.
