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Jul 12, 2012

From Solo Freelancer to Design Firm Owner

About this video


If there are clients and/or projects you can’t get because you’re “just” a freelancer (or at least that’s how you’re perceived)…

Or, if you find yourself dreaming and scheming, but not sure how to cross over from solo-freelancer to business owner…

Then join Ilise Benun of when she interviews Jonathan Cleveland of Cleveland Design on how he made the journey. Cleveland will share all his secrets and especially the mistakes and lesson learned during his 20 years in business. They’ll delve into:

* The benefits of growing beyond just you

* When and how to take the steps toward design firm owner

* When and how to hire your first employee

* How your role and the client’s perceptions of you change


About Ilise Benun

Ilise Benun is an author, consultant and national speaker, and the founder of She develops marketing plans for creative firms who are ready to grow and she writes for Applied Arts, HOW Magazine and many other online outlets. Her books include “The Designer’s Guide to Marketing and Pricing, “Stop Pushing Me Around: A Workplace Guide for the Timid, Shy and Less Assertive” and her latest, “The Creative Professional’s Guide to Money.”