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Dec 04, 2019

Explorations in Design Education with Glen Hougan, Rebeca Méndez & Nancy Wynn

About this video


Ideas to Opportunities: Creating a Multi-Disciplinary Experience

As the value of design and the role of designers changes from a technical and craft based professional service into one focused on addressing complex issues involving various design outcomes, designers are finding themselves increasingly working outside their discipline in multi-disciplinary teams. This talk identifies, defines and catalogues the various types of disciplinarity (intra/inter/multi) collaborations and activities that are being undertaken in design programs today.

Design Educators & the Environment

Rebeca will start off the session with her observations on the future of design education and what design educators need to be thinking about to effectively prepare their students to engage with the complexities of climate change and ecological crises that we face.

Breaking Down Biases with Toys: An Interdisciplinary Design Project that Engaged Students Across Disciplines

To date, the majority of research on infant development has explored W.E.I.R.D. (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) populations. As a result, educational and clinical practices and policies may not appropriately address the needs of non-W.E.I.R.D. populations. The focus of this talk is a student project, where the ask was to develop a toy that addressed a specific developmental domain and market it towards non-W.E.I.R.D. cultures.
