Design: The Bottom Line
Helen Walters
About this video
As more and more companies have embraced the idea of design, the industry stands at a crossroads. For design is not a panacea, and managing the processes of creativity is a delicate procedure that can no more be made into rote practice than it can guarantee sure fire business success. Helen draws on her research into numerous companies that have attempted to create design-driven cultures and offers insights into what works - and what doesn't.
Helen Walters
From 2006 until July 2010, Helen was editor of innovation and design at Bloomberg Businessweek, where she covered the intersection of business and design. Prior to her American life, Helen was the features editor at the British design magazine Creative Review, for which she is still a contributing editor. She has also written for numerous international design publications, has served as a juror on a number of international award panels and has written or contributed to numerous design-related books.