Design for an Equitable Future: A Panel on Why Diversity & Inclusion is the New Mandatory

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In an industry that is homogeneous in its make up, working in the same ways that we've always worked, designed to be divisive and in need of more humanity and empathy - our industry is long overdue for change. We need to do things differently and think differently in how we hire, how we evaluate great work, and how we create. We need to fill our creative agencies with talent that think differently than us. How can we truly expect to create original work, if we only hire people exactly like ourselves? The future of our industry needs to be re-designed with equity and empathy in mind.
Join 6 thought leaders from the creative industry as we talk about the role Diversity Inclusion has played in the development of their agencies, and how diversity of thought within them has generated work that gets noticed and work that shapes culture and grows business.
- Zipeng Zhu, Owner, Founder, Dazzle Studio
- Sydney Allen Ash, Senior Manager, Global Internal Communications, Vice Media
- Taj Critchlow, Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Fela
- Theo Gibson, Creative Director, Original Branded Content, Cossette
- Berkeley Poole, Creative Director, Whitman Emorson
- Josh Richards, Director of Creative Technology, john st.
Moderated by Mooren Bofill RGD