Creative Play
Jessica Walsh
About this video
Play is not just for kids. Adults who play are actually shown to be more productive at work and in business than adults who do not. Jessica Walsh speaks about the value of play, and it’s importance biologically and historically. She discusses how play is at the heart of any creative process, which requires innovation, and how one can enter a state mind in which you are at play.
Jessica Walsh
Jessica Walsh is a multi-disciplinary designer and art director living and working in NYC. She is a partner at Sagmeister & Walsh, a NYC-based design firm that creates identities, commercials, websites, apps, films, books and objects for clients, audiences and themselves. Recent projects by the firm include the development of a gameshow for Adobe Systems and a new identify system for the Jewish Museum, which includes stationery, packaging, advertising campaigns, promotional materials and an immersive new website that will launch in June. Jessica teaches at the School of Visual Arts in NYC and speaks around the world. She has been profiled in numerous publications, and her work has won numerous awards from the Type Director’s Club, Art Director’s Club, SPD, Print and Graphis. She has been named Computer Art’s “Top Rising Star in Design,” an Art Director’s Club “Young Gun” and Print Magazine’s “New Visual Artist”. Her “40 Days of Dating” blog attracted more than 5 million unique visitors and landed her on the Today show; 40 Days, the book, is in its final stages of development.