About this video
Have you ever had clients who, after the presentation of your initial design concepts, became quiet, nervous or even afraid of what they were looking at? So what happened? Invariably, as designers, we begin to doubt our work and wonder where we went wrong. Or we blame the clients for being unaccepting or unclear. Upon closer examination, we see something more complicated – a situation we can avoid in the future once we understand it. Part of a designer's job is to mitigate any fear or uncertainty that clients may have about initiating change. Not an easy task, but one that can be achieved. In this presentation Bob Hambly RGD examines 6 ways you can comfort your clients and how with the right communication and guidance, we can alleviate client fear and ensure the enthusiastic acceptance of our creative solutions.
Bob Hambly RGD Emeritus
Educated at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Bob’s curious mind and knack for personal service set the tone for the H&W team. Overseeing operations and administration for H&W, Bob ensures all projects are developed and executed with a strategic eye, fresh perspective and meticulous craftsmanship. Bob also directs all brand development projects for H&W, working with clients such as Quadrangle Architects, Peel District School Board and Harry Rosen. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker – recent engagements include delivering the keynote addresses at the SUNYCUAD Conference in Rochester, New York and at the University and College Designers Association (UCDA) in Phoenix, Arizona.