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InterviewAug 01, 2018

Volunteer of the Month: Fidel Peña RGD

Interview with Fidel Pena-Guzman RGD

This August the RGD thanks Fidel Peña RGD, Creative Director & the Co-founder of Underline Studio, Design Partner on RGD's 2018 So(cial) Good Design Awards

Q: How long have you been volunteering with RGD, and in what capacity?

I've been involved with RGD for over 10 years now. I've done different things including portfolio reviews, designing promotional materials and being a panelist and speaker at RGD events and webinars.

Q: What made you want to get involved with RGD?

A desire to get involved in building a community of designers with a sense of purpose. By advocating against spec work and for the certification of graphic designers, RGD gives a platform for us to create more meaningful work together.

Q: Of the RGD initiatives you have contributed to, what are you most proud of?

Being a mentor in any capacity for younger designers. In the right situation, I really feel that as a mentor we gain a lot from the energy, ideas and passion that young designers bring to our craft. I hope whatever we do as volunteers helps all of us become better designers and citizens.

Q: What is your most memorable experience as an RGD volunteer?

Doing our first talk at an RGD Conference for emerging designers many years ago. My Underline Partner, Claire Dawson RGD and I were very nervous. We weren’t sure we had much to say to younger designers, but we left feeling connected to our community and inspired by the passion we felt from designers who attended our talk.

Q: What have you gained from being an RGD volunteer, and why would you recommend it to other Members who might be thinking of getting involved?

I have gained confidence in explaining our craft, have had the opportunity to reflect on why we do what we do and have connected with other designers.

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