The RGD offers incentives for Member referrals
Certified RGDs and Associate RGDs enjoy discounts on future dues or DesignThinkers registration by bringing in new Members.

“The Referral Program offered me a substantial discount on annual dues for referring a colleague," said Pierre Spenard RGD. "I already value being a part of such a diverse group of design professionals, so this discount was a pleasant surprise. Thanks RGD!”
Pierre Spenard RGD
If you're a Certified RGD Member or Associate RGD and you have colleagues who are interested in becoming Members, encourage them to apply now and earn rewards!
A Certified RGD who is mentioned on a newly Certified RGD's Membership application receives 25% off their Membership dues or 25% off registration to a future DesignThinkers Conference. A Certified RGD who is mentioned on a new Associate RGD application receives a 15% discount on either dues or DesignThinkers registration.
Associate RGDs who are mentioned on a new Certified RGD or Associate RGD Member application receive 15% off their dues or DesignThinkers registration.
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