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Open for freelance

Kimberly Love


  • Branding
  • Packaging
  • Print Production

Kimberly Love Provisional RGD

Hi there – I’m Kim! I’m an experienced Graphic Designer with quite a unique background having worked as a high school teacher before enrolling at Mohawk College for Graphic Design. After teaching for five years in the areas of English, Business, History, Economics and Career Studies, I decided that I wanted to do something more creative and took the leap to go back to school where I discovered my passion for design. Ironically enough, it was during time working as a Career Studies instructor that I realized Graphic Design might be a better career path for me to pursue, and I haven’t looked back since. Since graduating, I have had some pretty great experiences working full-time for an established brewery and freelance for a wide array of small businesses, including the opportunity to develop a new line of canned cocktails for a distillery based out of London, Ontario. My areas of expertise when it comes to designing focus around print and print production, packaging design as well as brand identity development and maintenance. However, I am a fairly well-balanced designer overall, as I also have experience creating and managing digital content such as social media campaigns and creating WordPress-based websites.

Burlington, ON

Member since February 22, 2024

Creative Director @ Kim Love Designs


You should hire me because...

“I just get it. A lot of my previous clients have enjoyed working with me because they appreciate the fact that I can often see the "bigger picture" when they struggle to. Therefore, all of my designs (even for smaller projects) will always take into account how it will reflect upon their business as a whole and be interpreted by their customers.”