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Carmelo Galati RGD

  • Brand Strategy
  • Corporate Communications
  • Marketing
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Carmelo Galati RGD

I help companies connect, engage and captivate their audiences, wherever and whomever they may be, through compelling brand storytelling using strategy, branding, marketing and design. Whew, thats a mouthful...


- Design and build a brand from the ground up

- Create consistency guidelines for existing branding and marketing

- Launch or update your product’s packaging

- Create compelling marketing campaigns

- Revitalize and refresh sales and marketing material, and collateral

- Create dynamic user experiences on your website or in your App

- Compel new leads or generate new funding with pitches and proposals

I also help companies with internal marketing teams inspire and mentor their staff to do all these things, internally.

Toronto, ON

Member since May 01, 1997

Owner @ Galati Creative Inc.
